ECL Jobs 2021ECL Jobs 2021 information for the hiring of 1 of Director (Technical) Posts. Candidates Planning to start their career with Eastern Coalfields Limited can apply online application on or before 16th Mar 2021.
Post Details :Director (Finance):– 1 Post Job Type:- Absorption Basis Pay Scale:- Rs. 160000 – 290000/- Per Month Qualification :Director (Finance):- 1. The applicant should be a Chartered Accountant or Cost Accountant or a full-time MBA/PGDM course with a good academic record from a recognized University/Institution. 2. Officers of Organized Group ‘A’ Accounts Services [i.e. Indian Audit and Accounts Service, Indian Defence Accounts Service, Indian Railway Accounts Service, Indian Civil Accounts Service, Indian P&T Accounts & Finance Service, and Indian Cost Accounts Service] working in the appropriate level are exempted from these educational qualifications. 3. Further, applicants from the Central Govt./Armed Forces of the Union/All India Services, will also be exempted from the educational qualifications as per (i) above provided the applicants have ‘the relevant experience’ as mentioned in para 4(iii) below. In respect of applicants from Organized Group A Accounts Services/Central Government/Armed Forces of the Union/All India Services, Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant/MBA/PGDM will be a desirable educational qualification. Experience:- 1. The applicant should have at least five years of cumulative experience at a senior level during the last ten years in the area of Corporate Financial Management/ Corporate Accounts in an organization of repute. 2. Applicants from Organized Group ‘A’ Accounts Services should have at least five years of cumulative experience at a senior level during the last ten years in the area of Corporate Financial Management/ Corporate Accounts. Age Limit:- Age of superannuation 60 years Internal:- Minimum 40 Years & Maximum 2 years residual service as on the date of vacancy w.r.t. the date of superannuation Others:- Minimum 40 Years & Maximum 3 years residual service as on the date of vacancy w.r.t. the date of superannuation Selection Process:- Interview Application fee:- No Application Fee How to Apply:Read the detailed notification pdf attached below before Apply Online. If you are interested and found yourself eligible for /offline for Director (Finance), click on the apply online link given below. Then, find the appropriate option and fill-up the form. You can apply online from 05th January 2020 to 16th March 2021. Apply Offline: Eligible candidates may apply offline by sending the application form along with all the necessary documents to Smt. Kimbuong Kipgen Secretary, Public Enterprises Selection Board, Public Enterprises Bhawan, BlockNo. 14, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi- 110003. Important Dates: Starting Date to Apply Online:- 05th January 2021 Closing Date to Apply Online:- 16th March 2021 Important Links: Advt Details:- Click here Apply Online:- Click here | Responsive Ads Here! |